About Victoria Lopez

Victoria Lopez is a poetry writer. Victoria attended UTRGV and majors in English. Between her time spent at school and job obligations, Ms. Lopez began writing a novel, merely as a hobby. Victoria is a go getter who at the age of twenty five became the published author of her first Novel “Fire in May.”

“Writing was how I had come to identify myself; it was the method in which I would isolate my feelings so that I could better understand them, and myself. It was then that I had to ask myself this question: Am I just someone who likes to write or am I a writer? From then on, I began to introduce myself as an aspiring writer,” said Victoria Lopez.

Victoria’s desire is to become involved in the community and lend her voice to those who might not yet know their own. Every Friday, this February, Victoria partakes in a local event called ‘Poetry on Demand.’ And thus far, has received phenomenal feedback from everyone she has had the wonderful opportunity to meet.

If you wish to contact Victoria Lopez, for either an event or personal inquiry, you can visit her website, at www.handandknee.com.

Victoria Lopez
Author. Poet. Event Planner.